Borg queen quotes brave words
Borg queen quotes brave words

borg queen quotes brave words borg queen quotes brave words

Evidently, tuning these phasers is a big deal. Shelby then comments that they will only be able to use the phasers a few times before the Borg will adapt to the frequencies. Before the away team beams over to the Borg ship, Worf hands out phasers. How do they know what the Borg ship is doing? If the nebula is dense enough to confound the Borg's sensors, wouldn't it do the same to the Enterprise's sensors? With the Enterprise concealed in the nebula, both Worf and Picard make statements about what the Borg ship is doing. If the hole is all that's left of the colony and they transported to the center of town, shouldn't they be standing in the center of the pit? The next shot shows the away team standing at the edge of a gaping hole. O'Brien verifies the coordinates and says that they are at the center of town. When they arrive, he asks O'Brien to confirm their coordinates. As the show opens, Riker leads an away team down to the destroyed colony. The following are comments submitted by my readers. That said, this is truly the most captivating, interesting, and exciting episode TNG has done so far. Still though, even after he admits he likes her, he strikes her down for no reason in Engineering regarding her request to continue working with Data and other times as well. I was equally pleased with Riker admitting that he admires her. I was impressed with Shelby's restraint against Riker's testosterone flaunting though. They're facing a major inter stellar war and all Riker can think about is his damn pissing contest with Shelby.

borg queen quotes brave words

The controversy between Riker and Shelby was annoying. Truly one of the most badass moments of all Star Trek. Riker ordering Worf to fire on the Borg cube.

borg queen quotes brave words

Troi striking down Riker's decision to lead an away team. Shelby's idea to release the Enterprise from the Borg. The sight and music accompanying the approach of the Borg cube. Riker trying to figure out why he's still resisting when starfleet offers him ships. This episode (both parts together) is often regarded as the best TNG episode ever done. Third time Riker saves his life by refusing command of another starship.

Borg queen quotes brave words